Our philosophy

Natural Ingredients

Every morning we get a delivery of fresh ingredients to each restaurant before dawn. All our food is freshly handmade throughout the day by our cooks in our kitchens. We never freeze our meals. The tastes are created by our team using only natural seasonings.


We know that in-season tomatoes reach full ripeness on by late summer, in July you can taste the sweetest strawberries, and the season for apples or pumpkin is autumn. We respect the natural rhythm of nature and we use those ingredients that are available throughout the year. In season production is fresher and tastes better, is healthier and perfectly ripe.

Changing Menu

Maintaining a menu changing on a daily basis has been a challenge at times, but overall an incredibly rewarding endeavour. We keep it short to maintain steady rotation of fresh ingredients, but we make sure that every day both meat dishes and vegetarian or vegan dishes are available.

Respecting the tradition

We base most of our meals on Polish cuisine. It comes from the awareness of our nature richness and respect for Polish traditions. At the same time, we do our best to make sure our menu is being is appealing also to people who seek new inspiring tastes from all over the world.

You decide

You can pick up whatever you want from a variety of dishes available every day. You can mix and combine different kinds of dishes and sides on your plate any way you like it. It’s up to you to decide on the size of your meal and how much you will pay in the end.